Exploring Wind Farms And Other Sustainable Energy Options

Exploring Wind Farms And Other Sustainable Energy Options

Tips For Maintaining And Using Your RV's Propane System

Beatrice Alvarez

Before you head out on the road with your RV, make sure the propane system is in great shape. You rely on it for keeping warm, having hot showers, cooking your food and keeping leftovers cool. A failure in the propane system can ruin an important trip. Here are some tips for making sure the RV's propane system doesn't fail when you most need it.

Maintenance of Propane Tanks

The tank is where it starts, and that's where you should begin your maintenance.

  • Never paint propane tanks a dark color, even if only to match the RV's color scheme. Dark colors absorb more of the sun's rays causing the tank to overheat. If the pressure safety device should fail, the tank could explode.
  • Don't paint over any of the hoses, valves or connections. You could cover up a problem area that fails while you're on the road.
  • Check the tank's intake and exhaust vents for insect nests, bird nests or any other debris that can block the vents.
  • Have the tank inspected each year for rust and any pressure leaks. Have the overfill protection device checked at the same time.
  • Have all propane lines, valves and connectors checked each year.

Have any problems repaired by a certified propane specialist.

Safe Use of Your Propane System

Accidents happen, but don't be guilty of causing an accident that results in a fire or explosion. Here are some reminders about safely using your propane system.

  • Install a propane sensor in the front and rear interior of your RV. Replace the batteries with fresh ones every year.
  • Never refuel your RV while any of the propane appliances are running.
  • Carry a class BC fire extinguisher on board in case of a propane fire. Have an extinguisher company check it every year.
  • Turn the propane system off while driving. The refrigerator will keep items cold until you reach a destination where you can turn the propane back on.
  • Open the windows when using the propane stove.

What To Do If There is a Problem

You should never smell a propane odor, or rotten egg smell, from any part of your propane system. If you do:

  • Put out all smoking materials, turn off burners and pilot lights.
  • Do not use any electronic devices in the RV when you smell gas.
  • Open all doors and windows to ventilate the RV.
  • If you can do so safely, turn off the gas supply on the propane tank.
  • If the smell goes away, drive to a facility and have the propane system inspected from top to bottom for the problem. Do not turn the system back on until it has been inspected.
  • If the smell continues, call 911 to come out and inspect the system to make sure there is no risk of fire or explosion.

You rely so much on your propane system to have a memorable trip. Take the time to inspect it and make any repairs before you open a map and head out on your trip.


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Exploring Wind Farms And Other Sustainable Energy Options

Hello, my name is Jean Rabantha. I love to talk about the different ways societies can create sustainable energy using wind farms. With enough turbines, the power of the wind can provide all of the electricity required for a large city. As turbines grow in height, even more wind power is available. As a result, researchers constantly set their sights toward creating better turbines, including floating models, which could send energy back to the generators sitting on the ground. I hope that our world can solely rely on sustainable energy, especially wind farms, within the next twenty years. Moving away from coal power would definitely benefit everyone involved. I hope to explore the different technologies, materials and designs used in wind farm creation. I will also share information I gather about other sustainable energy devices. Thank you.